Tuesday, October 16, 2007

stranger than all the movies

the strangest movie that i have seen starts with a guy doing his usual norms in proper routine narrated by a female....SUDDENLY ...one day the guy starts hearing his narrators voice in his head.....and he consult some doctors and nothing happens ......and an phychedelic authors life is shown whose every novel ends wih the death of the hero .......thats the picture of the author who tells a sory bout a man whose life is full of tragedy.......

now one day he go concious as the girl in the head said something bout death......so he tries to live to the fulest and falls in love wih this beautiful female

see how these two are having fun.......before this th guy looked as dumb and lifeless as this

then suddenly by chance with the help of a fellow author friend of his he came to kno that the psychedelic author is writing a story which has a ending with the death of the hero and her voice is just like the voce in his head.......and he now tries desarately to meet this female who is oout to end his beautiful life with a death.....so when he meets this female she comes to kno what is happening actually and she get scared and she hands over the script to him and she finds out when she types something in her typewriter(to do the final copy of the story from rough)that thing happens in real life of that guy....

now this is fiction ....but good different fiction.....so finally the guy reads the end of the story and finds his death to be very nice and falls in love the story and tells the author not to change the ending ,and let him die......
........now for the last part check out the movie...hehe....
if the story sounds very confusing then its bcoz of my lack in simple sentence construction...the movie is extremely well made with good speacial effects

for more details check :http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420223/

till then happy durga puja which starts from tomorrow

1 comment:

Anushree said...

and i thought this was a story u wanted me to write...thank God i didnt....imagine being sued for copyright abuse!!! sheeeesh!!